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2021 Virtual Bleeding Disorders Medical Symposium



Friday, April 23, 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Saturday, April 24, 9:00am - 12:00pm



The 2021 inaugural medical symposium is an opportunity to bring together hospital administrations, healthcare professionals, ER physicians, hematologists, primary care physicians, women’s healthcare physicians, nurses (including school nurses) and medical students practicing in South Carolina. This opportunity provides all those who currently have patients in their practice, or emergency care, or potential future patients who have a diagnosis of hemophilia or related inherited bleeding disorders specialized medical education in the healthcare needs of this patient population. Geared towards the medical healthcare teams who care for patients with bleeding disorders and women with undiagnosed complicated bleeding tendencies, the event is designed to provide an in-depth look at bleeding disorders treatments, complications, and the importance of the comprehensive care team. The symposium will spotlight the need for specialized treatment, review complications that result from delay of or inappropriate care, and expand the participating health care professional’s knowledge of this complicated and often poorly understood patient population.

Consumers affected by bleeding disorders and their caregivers who want to learn more are also welcome to attend this comprehensive treatment program. A special highlight for consumers will be the Friday afternoon opening session with the South Carolina Hemophilia Treatment Centers physicians providing an overview of the comprehensive care model of treatment they provide patients and their families.

This symposium will provide Continuing Medical Education Credits (1 unit)

Please register below to attend the individual symposium sessions or the entire 2-day symposium. Once you have registered to attend the symposium, you will need to then register for the virtual sessions you wish to attend. An email with the log in link will be sent to you after registering for the virtual sessions; only your name and email is required for virtual sessions. Virtual sessions will be hosted by Hemophilia of South Carolina. Please note: Saturdays session will run all morning on the same platform so if you sign in for the first session, you may stay logged in for the rest of the sessions continuing immediately following one another with quick short brakes.

Please register your contact information below for attending the Medical Symposium. Additional program materials will be provided by mail before the event.


HSC’s ZOOM PRIVACY POLICY AND DISCLAIMER: As with all HSC meetings, your personal information is secured only with the chapter. No personal information gathered or used by HSC during the event will be shared with outside parties or vendors. HSC will endeavor to ensure that all online meetings are safe and secure to the best of our abilities. Chat logs, location data, activity data, video and audio, and other available information within the ZOOM meeting platforms may be archived to ensure the safety of our participates. We will also control audio and video settings of meetings, sessions, and other communications on our systems for safety, your privacy, and ease of use. The symposium sessions may be recorded to share at a later date. By registering for our virtual meeting, you agree to our ZOOM Privacy Policy and Disclaimer, and our Photo and Events Waiver-Release (to be apply as applicable to the virtual event – see documents below on this page) You also understand that video and audio recording may be made of you by anyone virtually present with their own devices (IE; phone, etc.). Treat the ZOOM meetings as if you are in a public place.

Photo and Events Waiver – Release Document

You must download ZOOM to attend by video conferencing, or you can dial in and join by voice call. During the two-day conference event, our staff will be available for tech services to help you with any complications in logging in. Tech services - call 864-350-9941.

We are grateful to our partner hospitals, our HTC, the planning committee, our national organizations, sponsors, and staff who have worked hard to make this symposium possible. We hope you enjoy our virtual event and expand your knowledge of bleeding disorders treatment care. Thank you, and we will “see” you soon!

Welcome Introduction Letter

Symposium Flyer Information

Conference Virtual Program

Hemophilia of South Carolina Resource Brochure

Hemophilia of South Carolina Member Brochure

Prisma Health Hemophilia Treatment Center Brochure

Prisma Health Hemophilia Treatment Center 340B Program



Friday, April 23


4:00pm: Welcome & Introductions

Hemophilia of South Carolina and the South Carolina Advocacy Coalition

The Comprehensive Model of Care for Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders

Patient Perspective: Hear about the personal experiences and concerns navigating healthcare while living with a bleeding disorder.

4:30 - 5:30pm: The Hemophilia Treatment Centers in South Carolina

Meet the South Carolina Hemophilia Treatment Centers and the healthcare teams who treat patients who have a diagnosis of Hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, platelet disorders, and other rare factor deficiencies. Learn how they can be a resource for you and your practice and so much more.


Prisma Health Midstate

Stephanie Phillips Ambrose, DO

Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Attending, Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Prisma Health Children’s hospital-Midlands

Robin Jones, MSN, NHA, RN, CPN, CPHON, South Carolina Hemophilia Treatment Center Nurse Coordinator

Prisma Health Upstate

Leslie Gilbert, MD MSCI, Assistant Professor University of SC School of Medicine-Greenville, BI-LO Charities Children’s Cancer Center

Medical University of South Carolina: Shawn Jenkin Children’s Hospital

Shayla Bergmann, MD, Associate Professor, Director, Pediatric Hemophilia Clinic Department of Pediatric hematology/Oncology, Medical University of South Carolina

5:30pm- Closing and Q & A


Saturday, April 24


9:00am: The Hemophilia and Rare Bleeding Disorders Awareness Series

  • Attendees will receive (1) CEU (50-minute program with 10-min Q and A)

Presented by: Dr. Joanna Davis, MD, University of Miami, Hemophilia Treatment Center

The Hemophilia Awareness Series has been educating medical personnel across the United States for 13 years. The program will educate physicians, nurses, and the medical community on the treatment of Hemophilia in hospitals and emergency rooms.

Program Content:

 Inheritance, manifestations of hemophilia A and B
 Management of common problems likely to be seen in an ER or a clinic/outpatient setting
 Biology of a joint bleed – how blood in a joint actually causes damage over time – and use of prophylactic infusion regimens to prevent joint damage
 Inhibitors – difference between acquired inhibitors and inhibitors in hemophilia patients
 New therapies: longer acting factor concentrates, gene therapy

At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

 Describe the different phases of normal coagulation and understand how the hemophilia and other common bleeding disorders interfere with the normal formation of a clot
 Recognize presenting patient symptoms which can be explained by an underlying bleeding disorder and understand the basic evaluation to establish or eliminate such a diagnosis

Evaluations are completed and submitted to receive accreditation.

About Accreditation

In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Dannemiller and Hemophilia Foundation of Greater Florida. Dannemiller is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

About Dr. Joanna Davis ~

Dr. Joanna Davis received her undergraduate degree from Barnard College of Columbia University. She attended the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Dr. Davis did her Pediatric internship and residency at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx, and completed her general training at Jackson Memorial Medical Center in Miami. She completed a Fellowship in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at Jackson Memorial Hospital, and joined the faculty of the University of Miami in 1984.

Dr. Davis started the Pediatric Hemophilia Treatment Center in 1987, at a time when there were only 6 patients enrolled. Today the UM HTC is the only federally-funded combined pediatric and adult HTC in South Florida, serving over 400 patients through the life spectrum who have been diagnosed with a variety of bleeding and clotting disorders.

Patient and provider education and outreach have been a cornerstone of the mission for the HTC. Nationally recognized patient programs, publications and research projects have been, and continue to be developed. The HTC sponsors several projects utilizing point-of-care ultrasound. Robust personalized physical therapy initiatives as well as psychosocial counseling are unique aspects of our commitment to comprehensive care.

  • Quick Break


10:10am: Shemophilia: Women with Bleeding Disorders

Presented by: Dr. Sarah O’Brien, MD, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

This session will provide education on symptomatic carriers and women who have a diagnosis of hemophilia. Learn about the benefits and challenges of diagnosis, how to treat, and how to ensure the patients voice is heard.

About Dr. Sarah O’Brian~

Dr. Sarah O’Brien is a pediatric hematologist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. She serves as the Director of Experimental Therapeutics for the Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology/BMT and also leads a multi-disciplinary young women’s hematology clinic at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Her clinical and research interests include the evaluation and diagnosis of mild bleeding disorders, pediatric thrombosis and thromboprophylaxis, and the intersections between hematology and women’s health.

  • Quick Break


11:10am: Emergency and Orthopaedic Issues for Persons with Bleeding Disorders

Presented by: Ms. Sue Geraghty, RN, MBA

This session is designed to help emergency room personnel and those who practice in the field of orthopaedics understand what the issues are that they may face in dealing with persons with bleeding disorders. We will cover what types of things bring a person with a bleeding disorder to the ER, and what considerations and precautions need to be taken when treating these persons. Behind inhibitor development, the most significant sequalae from having a bleeding disorder are the orthopaedic complications. We will cover some of the most common treatments that an orthopaedic surgeon may perform on this patient population along with special considerations.

About Sue Geraghty ~

Ms. Geraghty worked as Nurse Coordinator at the University of Colorado Denver Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center for 25 years where she retired in 2013. Currently she is working as an independent consultant in the areas of hemophilia and health care education. She is certified as an Orthopaedic Nurse Clinician through the National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. During her time as nurse coordinator at the Hemophilia Treatment Center she sat on a number of national committees including the Nursing Working Group for the National Hemophilia Foundation. She has spoken locally, nationally and internationally and has been published in many peer reviewed journals. Her areas of interest within the hemophilia community include the adult patient with bleeding disorders, women with bleeding disorders, patients with inhibitors, and orthopaedic issues.


About the Hemophilia of South Carolina:

HSC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit patient advocacy organization representing all South Carolinians with bleeding disorders. Our mission is to raise awareness for and advocate on behalf of persons with bleeding disorders and their families; providing education and supportive services; and promoting ongoing research to improve the quality of life for those affected. Our vision is to be recognized as a leading organization providing valued services; as ambassadors of public outreach to enlighten and foster an understanding of what matters most to those affected by hemophilia and bleeding disorders; and to be our community’s first choice in partnership to achieve their highest potential through empowerment, connection to their community and being part of the solutions that affect them the most, until a cure is achieved.

We are grateful to the following organizations and companies for their support of this educational awareness program!

HFA Logo

Sparktx Genetech Logo

  1. demo slot