HSC Board of Directors
Chapter of Excellence Awards Ceremony at the 2016 NHF Annual Meeting ~ Orlando, Florida
The Hemophilia of South Carolina Board is responsible for the governance of the organization. The board meets monthly to discuss the direction, governing, programs, services and support for the organization and its members. HSC is always accepting new board applications. If you are interested in applying for the board, please download the application or contact the Chapter for additional information at: [email protected].
Become a Member
2017 Staff:

Suzanne Martin
Executive Director, Ex-Officio Board Member
NHF 2016 Award of Excellence, Advocate of the Year
Jim Lane
Hieu Ngo
HSC’s National Award Winning Webmaster
- NHF 2016 ~ Award of Distinction in Communications
2016-2017 Officers:

Lisa Bordelon

Michael Walden
2017 President Elect
Patricia Tucker

Felicia Alexander
2017 Members:

Cristal Day

Bonnie Phifer

Edna Rabb
Renita Johnson