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Gettin’ In The Game, Junior National Championships (JNC)

September 30- October 2, 2016

Download the Application

Deadline: August 19th

Hemophilia of South Carolina participates in the JNC program each year as bleeding disorder Chapters throughout the United States are invited to participate in CSL Behring’s JNC by nominating two individuals from their local Chapters to attend the event. During the program, participants will have the opportunity to participate in a clinic where they will learn the fundamentals of baseball, golf, and swimming, the importance of physical fitness, and show off their baseball, golf, and swimming abilities in a national competition with their peers. Throughout the weekend, participants will have the opportunity to attend educational sessions to learn more about their bleeding disorders and the importance of physical fitness and healthy lifestyles.

  • Nominees must be 7-18 years of age and have a bleeding disorder to participate
  • Chapters can nominate up to two participants for their area to participate in either golf or baseball.
  • Each participant must be accompanied by one adult (parent or caregiver)
  • The selection of the participants is the sole responsibility of each Chapter. CSL Behring has no involvement in the participant selection process
  • CSL Behring will sponsor each Chapter-selected nominee and one accompanying adult to participate in the program. This sponsorship is free to participants and will include the coordination and cost of airfare, ground transportation in the program city and hotel arrangements (attendees will be responsible for transportation to and from their hometown airport). Scheduled meals will be provided on site.

Informational PDF

The Team 2016

Watch the 15th Annual Gettin’ in the Game Junior National Championship (JNC) Video

“I was chosen to represent Hemophilia of South Carolina and compete in the CSL Behring, 2016 “Gettin’ in the Game Junior National Championship” in Phoenix, Arizona. It was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. They had three sports to compete in; baseball, golf and swimming. I chose baseball! On the first day we went to the Mountain Vista baseball complex, and they had a coaching clinic set up where we worked on the fundamentals of baseball and proper techniques. The coaches told us we always need to stretch before physical activity and how staying active is very important.

The next day we went to the Big League Dreams sports park in Gilbert, Arizona. It was here where we would compete to raise money for our local chapter. It was so cool to receive a bunch of high fives from everyone as we got off the bus. I have never before played at such an amazing ballpark! The fields were replicated after real major league ballparks. I felt like a real big leaguer as I stepped onto the field. They had music playing, and people everywhere were cheering! It felt great! I was coached up by two former baseball players in Jesse Schrader and Pete Dyson! They were great! They gave me some great tips and showed me how to position my feet correctly at the plate and how to pitch properly. I had such an awesome time at the JNC and I will never forget it! Thank you, Hemophilia of South Carolina, for choosing me for this wonderful experience”. Cole Dean

Cole Dean

“I was lucky enough to go to JNC for a second year in a row for baseball. This year I met two major league pitchers: Chris Capuano, he’s my favorite pitcher, and Kameron Loe. Both pitchers played for the Milwaukee Brewers, which is where we are originally from. Kameron Loe pitched to us for the batting competition. I also won the competition for my age group! In addition to meeting families from all over the United States who also deal with hemophilia on a daily basis, I was able to spend time with my cousin, who also has hemophilia, and my aunt as they were selected to represent the Wisconsin Chapter. While I would love to go to JNC many more times, I encourage other kids to apply next year for this amazing experience”. Brandon Gross

Brandon Gross

The Team 2015

South Carolina’s Gettin’ in the Game Representatives Learn Valuable Lessons

Testimonials from Russ and Brandon, 2015 South Carolina Representatives I was happy to apply to attend the CSL Behring Gettin’ in the Game National Championship in Phoenix, AZ in October. But when my mom told me that HSC selected me to go for golf, I was beyond excited! I could not wait! We arrived in Phoenix on a Thursday, which gave us time to get familiar with the resort and the golf course, and get checked in with the people staffing the event. I also was able to attend golf clinic late that afternoon, and ran into several kids that I knew from Victory Junction Summer Hemophilia Camp. That was pretty neat! Friday, we had golf clinic twice, and I got to meet Perry Parker, a PGA Pro. He was really helpful and gave me a lot of good advice on golf ball placement. Saturday we played two separate 9-hole rounds, and then had a big banquet dinner that night. I play golf a lot with my dad, and thought I knew everything already. But on this trip, I learned something very important: the importance of stretching before and after physical activity. Stretching helps to get your body ready for exercise by raising its temperature and stretching out muscles, both of which prevent injury and bleeds. This is important for everyone to do, but especially those of us with a bleeding disorder! I would like to thank HSC for allowing me to have such a great experience in Phoenix at the CSL Behring Getting in the Game National Championship. -Russ Williamson

Russ Williamson
On Friday afternoon, we went to the baseball clinic. There were 3 stations: batting, pitching, and fielding. There were coaches and players at each station to train us and give us tips. My favorite station was the batting station where I learned to keep the weight on my back foot. On Friday night, we had a mini-parade where we marched into the dinner room holding up signs for our chapters. On Saturday morning, we all competed against each other, scoring points for batting, pitching, and fielding. On Saturday night, we had an awards ceremony. I did not win anything but received a medal. It was still a great experience. Seeing all those people with bleeding disorders made me feel like I wasn’t the only person. -Brandon Gross
Brandon Gross

2014 Participants

“This opportunity was an amazing experience. Not only did I get to meet professional athletes, but I was able to connect with other golfers who have bleeding disorders. The first day was the time to practice your skills and meet professionals who could help you become better at your sport. I meet the famous pro golfer Perry Parker. He gave me tips and told me something I will never forget: Never stop playing. At that moment those words really didn’t mean much but as I went through the rest of the program I got it. You don’t have to go big, just remember that golf is your chosen sport. I received the Most Improved Award and I came in fourth place.” -Connor Graham

“Playing baseball is a place where I can play without special treatment and can be like everyone else. I have gotten better at baseball over the last few years but the trip was not all about going to the JNC to win, it was about going out and having fun with people like me. I did finish 2nd of all the Baseball players, but as they say “everyone is a winner.” The JNC is a great place to go and meet new friends, and learn more about your bleeding disorder. The athletes are good role models for all the attendees.” -Lucas Nash

Connor & Lucas
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